The male reproductive system needs nutrients in the same way as other internal organs. At the same time, vitamins to improve potency in men are not so numerous. Let's talk about which ones are more necessary than others.
In fact, a sexually mature and generally healthy man with no bad habits shouldn't worry about this. If he eats well, he plays sports, most likely everything is in order with his reproductive health.

When he should worry:
- Constant feeling of tiredness, tiredness;
- Irritability, mood swings;
- erection problems;
- Decreased sexual desire;
- The appearance of excess weight, decreased muscle mass;
- Swelling, pain and tenderness of the nipples;
- Pain when urinating, burning in the groin and penis.
If something like this is present, you have a direct path to a urologist-andrologist. Most likely, he will advise you on the necessary bioadditives. Always consult your doctor about the necessary medications and their dosage!
Important vitamins for male potency.
Here we list those substances that really play an important role in men's health.
Recommended Daily Allowance: 11 mg.
Casanova acquired his reputation as a ladies' man for a reason: he supposedly ate two dozen oysters every day. What is special about them? Lots of zinc.
Today, it has been proven that men, by getting enough of this mineral, have a stronger sexual desire and better potency. The fact is that it is in the presence of zinc that the main male hormone, testosterone, is produced.
In a study conducted by a well-known company, it was observed that men with zinc deficiency in the body, taking special supplements for 6 months, doubled their testosterone levels.
In another 8-week follow-up, a positive effect of zinc supplementation is also reported.
What does this mean? It is likely that the cause of potency problems, if there are no more significant symptoms, is precisely a lack of zinc. But it is better to get tested and get a doctor's recommendation.

B12 vitamin
Recommended daily amount: 2, 4 mcg
Vitamin B deficiency, also known as cyanocobalamin, has been linked to erectile dysfunction. This is stated, for example, by a recent university report.
The exact reason has yet to be explained, but vitamin B12 is important for overall health, as it is involved in cellular metabolism and hematopoiesis, both of which are extremely important for spermatogenesis and normal erections.
This amino acid has an important function: L-arginine is metabolized into nitric monoxide (NO), which in turn plays an important role in the mechanism of vasodilation - relaxation of the walls of blood vessels. It is with the participation of NO that an erection occurs.
Vitamin D
Recommended daily amount: 600 IU
The sun vitamin will definitely brighten up your sex life, both in men and women.
A 2014 study found that of 143 men diagnosed with erectile dysfunction, about 2/3 had low vitamin D levels. Those with severe erectile dysfunction had about 24% less vitamin D than those with mild erectile dysfunction.
The current hypothesis is that vitamin D deficiency leads to poor vascular tone and nitric monoxide deficiency.
Vitamin C
The main "immune" vitamin actually has many functions in the body. Among other things, it intervenes in spermatogenesis, increasing the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate.
However, compensating for the lack of vitamin C is quite simple: eat as many raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and fruits as possible. They contain anthocyanins, multicolored glycosides that reduce oxidative stress and inflammation in blood vessels.
Recommended Daily Allowance: 400 mg.
A very important mineral for the health of the cardiovascular system, muscle development, which is necessary for any man at any age.
A study conducted by Turkish scientists compared the level of reproductive health of athletes and physically inactive people. As a result, take 22 mg. Magnesium per kilogram of body weight for 4 weeks increased testosterone levels in both groups.
There are two other studies: one looked at the effects of magnesium in older men (65+) and a younger group (18 to 30). Both independently concluded that testosterone levels (as well as muscle strength) correlate with magnesium levels in the body.
Folic acid
Recommended daily amount: 400 mcg

It is widely prescribed to women in early pregnancy. And men need it mainly to improve the quality of the seed. It has been established that a lack of folic acid leads to a large number of sperm with chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, it is an important trace element in the treatment of male infertility and weak potency.
This amino acid acts like a pill, relaxing the smooth muscles of the blood vessel walls. In the body, it is converted into another organic compound - arginine, which is involved in blood circulation.
There is a lot of citrulline, for example, in watermelons, but men are sometimes advised to drink it in supplement form. The main problem with this substance is that the exact dose that will affect reproductive health has not been established.
This bioflavonoid has a powerful antioxidant effect on the body. Among other things, it blocks the production of the enzyme 5-lipoxygenase, which removes some of the testosterone that circulates in the blood.
In theory, everything is clear, but in practice, quercetin remains in the category of dietary supplements, since the therapeutic effect is not entirely clear.
Recommended daily amount: 75 micrograms.
There is a lot of this mineral in liver, oysters and Brazil nuts, and men's health needs it mainly because it is involved in the production of sex hormones.
Let's emphasize that you need very little, but even a small deficiency will be detrimental to reproductive health.
A study conducted by US scientists on infertility and low testosterone found that the patient group had a consistently low selenium level compared to the fertile group. Taking the mineral increased the chances of a successful conception by an average of 56%.
Another study involving 69 infertile men seems encouraging: the participants had improved sperm motility.
Vitamin A
Recommended daily amount: 900 mcg.
Retinol (vitamin A) and carotenoids have an important property: they also improve sperm motility. In men who ate a lot of carrots during the study, scientists improved sperm counts by 6. 5 to 8 percent.
D-aspartic acid
Amino acids are generally a kind of superhero team for our health. Our muscles, internal organs, blood cells, hormones are built from these "bricks". And one of them is D-aspartic acid. It also intervenes in the synthesis of testosterone, improves erection and increases libido, as well as sperm quality.
Recommended Daily Allowance: 16 mg.
Since we're talking about libido, we can't fail to mention niacin, also known as vitamin B3. It is abundant in fish, shellfish, beef and liver.
Niacin appears to play an important role in sexual drive. At least that's what the study says. It found that men with low potency who took it as a supplement had significantly improved sexual success compared to the placebo group.
Vitamin E
Recommended daily amount: 15 mg.
We need vitamin E mainly for circulation and immunity. In addition, it helps absorb vitamin A and many other substances. In animal studies, it has shown its importance for the production of libido and testosterone.
The substance that heats chili is also useful for potency. In animal studies, capsaicin had an effect on the size of the genitalia in males. In addition, it helps reduce the layer of fat in the abdomen, and this is very important for potency.
In an observational study in France, spicy food was found to affect testosterone levels as well. So if you haven't been too fond of spicy foods before, it might be time to fall in love with them. Of course, if there are no contraindications, such as an ulcer or GERD.
How to choose vitamins for potency
So, we found out that several types of substances are needed for men's health:
- spermatogenesis activators;
- Strengthening of immunity;
- Affecting the health of the cardiovascular system;
- Improved conductivity of nerve impulses.
However, it is not at all necessary that the multivitamin complex includes all these substances. Let's repeat what we said at the beginning: your doctor should select the best vitamins for potency. The choice should be based on the diagnosis and the nature of the problem, as well as the results of the tests.
Also, vitamins in many cases are only part of the therapy, and the disease has to be treated with completely different drugs.